
Welcome to Tourism ”event was held.

Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University School of Tourism and Hotel Management School "Tourism Welcome" event was held.

Traditionally organized to welcome newcomers to the family, the organizers of this year's event Asst. Assoc. Dr. Bakıt Turdumambetov, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Erkan Akgöz and Asst. Assoc. Dr. Cemal was fine.

Speaking at the event held on December 14, 2018 at the Conference Hall of Cengiz Aytmatov Campus November Tınınstanov. Dr. Sebahattin Balcı stressed that the School of Tourism and Hotel Management has become a brand tourism education institution in Central Asia. He said that for the continuation of this, the students should develop an innovative approach. Professor Dr. Sebahattin Balcı reminded that Kyrgyzstan has a very important tourism potential in the region and advised the students to make good use of the opportunities and constantly improve themselves at the point of being a sought-after workforce.

School Director Assoc. Dr. Barış Erdem also gave some statistics about the current situation of the tourism industry and projections for the future and gave information about the current business and positions of some graduates of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management.

In the opening speech of the event, some graduates of the School gave various recommendations to the students. Graduates; He said that the KTMU School of Tourism and Hotel Management provides a high quality tourism education, that the School has highly qualified physical facilities and that the students should benefit from these opportunities in the most effective way. Emphasizing the quality of the faculty staff of the college, graduates suggested that students make the most of this qualified staff.

The event ended with various shows prepared by the students.